Name | Description |
wlDesert = 0; |
water levels |
wlDirt = 10; |
wlField = 50; |
wlGrass = 100; |
wlPond = 0; |
wlLake = 20; |
wlSea = 50; |
wlOcean = 200; |
lsGrass = 0; |
land states |
lsDirt = 1; |
lsField = 2; |
lsDesert = 3; |
lsSea = 4; |
lsPond = 5; |
lsLake = 6; |
lsOcean = 7; |
lsGlacier = 9; |
cWaterFloor = 0; |
cWaterCeiling = 200; |
cHeightFloor = 0; |
cHeightCeiling = 40; |
cTemperatureFloor = 0; |
cTemperatureCeiling = 10; |
cHumidityFloor = 0; |
cHumidityCeiling = 10; |
cWaterSurfaceTension = 0.25; |
cWaterUpLeft = 0; |
how much water there needs to be before it spills |
cWaterUpRight = 1; |
cWaterDownLeft = 2; |
cWaterDownRight = 3; |
cHeightUpLeft = 4; |
cHeightUpRight = 5; |
cHeightDownLeft = 6; |
cHeightDownRight = 7; |
cHeightUp = 8; |
cHeightDown = 9; |
cHeightLeft = 10; |
cHeightRight = 11; |
cMaxTempFlow = 0.5; |